Mr. Gross a member of the Senior Executive Service and the Federal Regulatory Corporate Executive community retired from federal government service with over forty years of combined federal executive and military leadership experience.
Mr. Gross holds both a Bachelor's and Masters of Science degree in Information Systems Technology/ Management from the University of Maryland, University College, additionally, he holds a CIO Certification from the National Defense University and a Balanced Scorecard Professional Certificate from the George Washington University. Mr. Gross is a member of several professional information technology-related organizations and is the recipient of several prestigious foreign and domestic military and civilian awards including the Presidential Award for leading the Federal Financial Management Line of Business Initiative, the Department of Energy's, Secretary's Award for Leadership in Electronic Government, the Department of Justice, Attorney General’s Award, and the Federal 100 Award which recognizes government and industry leaders who have played pivotal roles in the federal government IT community—individuals who have gone above and beyond their daily responsibilities and have made a difference in the way technology has transformed their agency or accelerated their agency's mission.
Upon retirement, Mr. Gross founded the strategic consulting firm Etegrity Solutions Partners, LLC (ESP), where he serves as the Chief Executive Officer. In addition to his role as CEO of Etegrity Solutions Partners, he serves as an Adjunct Professor at the College of Southern Maryland, La Plata, Maryland, and as Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland, Global Campus, where he teaches a variety of topics to include Cyber Security, Health Informatics, Information Systems in Organizations and Cyber Ethics.